Graduates often refuse to start their career in a service position. 大学毕业生常常拒绝从服务岗位来开始自己的职业生涯。
After entering her interests into a computer programme at the school career service she was offered a variety of stints at conventional offices. 在学校职业服务处,她在一个计算机项目中填入了自己的兴趣,随后接到了一些常规办公室工作的邀请。
For example: I want to build a career in customer service. 我想要在客户服务方面发展我的事业。
Furthermore, it is my great honour to be able to devote my entire career to public service, and work side by side with an outstanding team of civil servants to serve our people and Hong Kong. 再者,能够以公共服务为终身职业,及能与出色优秀的香港公务员队伍并肩服务市民、服务香港,是我毕生的光荣。
Many American politicians say that serving their country and its people is the single greatest honor and privilege they can ask for; they do not choose a career in public service for the money. 许多美国政客说,能为国家和人民服务是唯一最大的荣誉与特权,他们选择担任公职并非为钱。
He may work in the private sector for a couple of years at some point, he said, but he plans to make his career in government service. 他说,在这几年,他可能在私营部门,但他计划他的职业生涯将为政府服务。
In later years he combined his medical career with public service, becoming the first chairman of Britain's newly-created Sports Council in 1971. 此后,他边行医边从事公益事业,1971年担任当时初建的英国体育协会首任主席。
Moreover, the sheer amount of pleasure I received from helping my students achieve their goals reflects my commitment to a career of service. 而且,我从帮助我的学生达到他们的目标的过程中感受到了快乐,更反映出我对服务事业的热爱。
A degree may prepare you for a career in diplomatic service, international trade, or teaching. 这一学科的学位会为你以后在外交,国贸或者教学领域做好铺垫。
The United States has developed its career services for college students over a long history, and has formed a sound environment for career service. 美国作为世界上大学生就业指导工作开展历史最为悠久的国家,形成了良好的大学生就业指导工作环境。
BWE provides a comprehensive career mentoring service for those who wish to develop their career and personal skills through an enjoyable and rewarding process. BWE同时也为那些希望通过愉快且有效的方式发展事业和提高个人技能的人提供全面的事业督导服务。
I have no personal anxieties, however, for in a decades-long career in public service, I have learned many lessons that I can share with you today. 不过,我个人并不担忧,我从事政治已经几十年了,有许多经验可以与你们分享。
For example, she says, LBS offers its alumni a life-long career service, continuing education and an international global network of like-minded individuals. 她举例称,伦敦商学院为校友提供终生的职业服务、继续教育以及志同道合人群全球网络。
Research and Implementation of College Graduates Career Counseling Service System 高校毕业生就业咨询服务系统的研究与实现
The common ground of these two countries is that both have perfect career guidance and service system for college graduates, which runs well and is able to provide overall service for graduates. 日本、加拿大的共同之处是拥有完善的毕业生就业指导、服务体系,而且运行良好,能够为毕业生提供全方位的服务。
It is one term career consultancy service instrument to an expert in text withal career and interest test meter for established foundation, career and interest test meter, aim at aid subject doom their education and employment plan to. 本文以生涯与兴趣量表为专家系统建立的基础,生涯与兴趣量表是一项生涯咨询服务工具,目的在帮助受试者决定他们的教育与就业计划。
On the basis of analyzed characteristic of employees 'career development in service trade, I draw a conclusion of characteristic of hotel enterprises and propose a series of practical approaches. 该部分在分析服务性行业员工职业开发特点的基础上,得出酒店行业员工职业生涯开发模式的特点,并提出一系列实用方法。
Modern Employment Consciousness of College Students: Logical Starting Point of Career Advisory Service for Students of Higher Learning Institutions 大学生现代就业意识:高校就业指导的逻辑起点
We think university students career guidance should be a standard graduates career guidance service system in the whole journey. 大学生就业指导应该是一个全程化、全员化、专业化、信息化标准的毕业生就业指导服务体系。
In the core idea, humanitarian nursing, a brand-new idea of nursing corresponds to hospice care, the career of medical service accommodating with the social need. 人文护理作为一种全新的护理理念与临终关怀这一适应社会需要的卫生服务事业在核心理念上达到了一种契合。
Firstly, the paper has defined the connotation of the college students career information service system from the perspective of target, service provider and receiver, information contents, means and methods of delivery. 首先,从目标、主体、内容、手段方法等组成要素,界定了大学生生涯信息服务体系的内涵。
Now most universities have present a relatively systematic career counseling service system and more career counseling. 当前上海各高校初步建立了比较系统的职业咨询服务体系,个性化职业咨询初具规模。
After that, Oregon University and Harvard University selected as an example, the implementation of the college career information service is observed and discussed in detail. 再次,以俄勒冈大学、哈佛大学为实例,具体说明高校层面的大学生生涯信息服务体系的实施。
Survey shows nearly half of the graduates most want to obtain career guidance service from professional according to their personality and advantages. 调查显示近半的毕业生最希望有专业人员根据自己的个性及优缺点提供职业指导服务。
Based on the comparison of college students career information service system in America and that in China, the paper has proposed some inspirations to develop college students career information service system in our country. 论文最后通过对我国和美国高校学生生涯信息服务体系的比较,提出了发展我国高校学生生涯信息服务体系的若干启示。
Service-oriented government under the trend of the building, public administration professionalism of civil servants for a career in public service and nurturing the spirit of the requirements of transformation. 服务型政府的建设趋势下,公共行政对于公务员的职业精神提出了进行公共服务职业精神的培育与改造的要求。
Jin Nong, unlike other scholars take the same path of career civil service exam, he chose to walk across times, engaged in art collections, Poem, painting and other arts-loving. 有着高起点的金农并没有能像其他士人一样走上科举仕途之路,而是选择了遍走大江南北,投身于鉴赏收藏、诗书绘画等艺术爱好之中。
In the aspect of students 'vocational ideal training, take students as the principle part, foster students develop their own career aspiration, enhance teachers' capacity of guiding students 'professional ideal and perfect the career guidance service system. 在学生职业理想培养方面:尊重学生的主体地位、培养学生职业理想的主体意识、提升教师指导职业理想的能力、完善职业理想指导中的服务体系建设。
The career planning system that be expounded in the paper has put into use, providing professional career planning service for college students or young new employees. 论文实现的职业规划系统目前已投入使用,为广大在校大学生和职场新人提供职业规划服务。
In order to verify the feasibility and necessity of this mode, the paper firstly analyze the relationship between the career management and the public servants training, and further analyze the feasibility and necessity of the career oriented civil service training mode from the theory and the practice. 为了论证此培训模式的合理性。本文首先对职业生涯管理与公务员培训的关系进行了分析,进而分别从不同的角度阐述了职业生涯导向的公务员培训模式的可行性与必要性。